4 April 2016

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The Life of a HARDGAINER (Blog 2)


Now I’m no chef, although if you try some of my preped meals you might think differently. However the recipe I’m going to talk about is quite delicious and one that is great for those gains. The name of this amazing reciepe, its called Mentality. Now this dish comes in many strengths like a good old curry, some people’s mentality is quite weak and some people’s mentality is very strong. To make a strong dish of mentality the ingredients have to be there or slowly cooked. The ingredients:- for the base of your dish - personal character, followed by a splash of motivation, a good scoop of determination and a sprinkle of influences.

Now mentality is key for anyone seeking results when it comes to training, but for a hardgainer it is vital. In my eyes what I have notice with myself is that you are starting something which is going against everything your body is tellling you and made up for, you’re an ectomorph! If history, gentics, people, ever told and taught you anything is that you can’t add muscle or you can but it takes way to much effort, time or ‘have to take something’ and you are never guarenteed to see results any time soon…. What am I getting myself in for!! Stay calm. When starting this journey it is a large commitment and it takes time, be patience hence why mentality is vital. It is what going to keep you positive through all the times when I don’t see any results, ah I had awful session, I missed a meal etc and in the times of when you are on a high to stay level headed and not loose track. Mentality is going to get you off that line before anything else, before the prepped meals and the ultra amazing training plan.

In order to have the right mentality at the start and to maintain it through your training is goal setting, organisation and most importantly, learning from your mistakes in the past, turning them in postives and growing into a strong and better person. Don’t let your past influence and ruin your future. Set small achievable goals each week, and when you have done them tick them off and set new ones. Don’t ever get disheartened if you don’t achieve one or two, stay postive and be determined to achieve it the following week. These goals can be, taking mine for example:- be more organised (how many teachers have said that about me,) stay consistant with my diet and training, be more positive, and keep my bodyweight at 90kg for month two. Organisation is very simple, keep it simple for one, don’t let things pile up (the tupper ware for one,) keep track of what you have lifted, prep your meals in advance and if you feel training isn’t working be organised and tweak if for the next session – never be afraid of change.

17 August 2016


Going to drop a few videos from the back session. Didn't manage to film it all in one go as it was to difficult to do it with out a gym partner, as well it ruins the tempo of the session.

The next month or so I'm dropping the big...  

10 August 2016

Back to work after a, sort of, restful few days at home - ate to much and drunk to much 😜 @

Even decided to decided to do a bit of throw back to the old days whilst I was at home, where my love in sport and fitness began. A spot of...  

2 August 2016


☀️Rise & Shine people☀️

(No filter needed for this video)

Miss these drunk mornings from my holiday this year in Alicante with my brother  

'Moderation' is key to life.

Break things up once in awhile, take time to rest and unwind, go on...  

1 August 2016
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Just a meme to round off Monday.

Hope everyone had a great Monday! 🙂

My Monday consisted of a little business meeting this morning, got a announcement coming your way soon.

As well being a master chef, prepping food for the next few...  

13 May 2016
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Hello everyone, I'm back after a crazy few weeks.

What was supposed to be one de-load week transitioning into a new phase of my training has turn out to be four weeks long 😕

From sorting out a new house out in Leeds, to work life, to...  

19 April 2016

Who's ready for my spin and circuits class tonight?!?!

This is a clip from last weeks circuits class.

2 teams of 10, 2 different mini circuits.

Sprinters determine the time how long the over 9 members in their team perform their...  

18 April 2016
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Anyone need a new snack idea instead of rice cakes, fruit etc. Give this a try.
(Not going to lie it tastes like a chocolate mouse👌🏻. It's so good.)


1 1/2 scoop Sythna-6


150g Rachael Yogurt

Top with

50g Blueberries


15 April 2016
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Some might call me insane and I tell you what, they might be right haha.

This is a photo of me trying my hardest to pose at the end of the hardest arm workout I have ever done.

If you ever want an insane arm pump, to the point where...  

15 April 2016
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Anyone in Leeds that fancies a tough challenge come along to one of my classes on

Tuesday Night:-

Spin, 19:00 - 19:45

Circuits, 20:15 - 21:00

Friday Night:-

Circuits, 19:15 - 20:00


Boootcamp, 9:00 - 9:45


14 April 2016
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It will be going up either today or tomorrow. I'm taking some extra time over this one, it's a big topic that needs to be spoken about. I want to make sure...